iOS Mobile Application Development final project 2014

I developed a crowd sourced rating application allowing people to review movies, tv shows, products and places. I used Parse for the backend and cloud storage.

Technology used : Objective C iOS backend

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Advance Database final project 2014

I made from scratch a tiny database-like system including a storage manager, a buffer manager, a record manager, and a B+- tree index. For this project I especially cared about memory management using Valgrind.

Technology used : C Valgrind LLDB

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iOS Application

I built a simple transit application displaying the time remaining for the next train at your station in Paris.

Technoloy used : Objective C iOS

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Web Application

Handcrafted blog engine coded in python using the framework Django

Technology used : Python Django Bootstrap frontend framework

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Web Application

Contact managing website coded in java using the Spring MVC framework.

Technoloy used : Java Spring MVC Bootstrap frontend framework

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A simple python script to monitor my room using a RaspberryPi, a Webcam, PyGame and Dropbox API.
I'm using PyGame to capture images and add timecode to them and I'm uploading these images to dropbox using their CoreAPI.

Technology used : Python PyGame Dropbox API

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